mark, brian and i stumbled into this shop called the dirt cheap cd shop. well they aren't really kidding, here's what i bought (all cash in aussie dollars):
-global underground #27 danny howells miami (12 bucks)
-global underground #28 nick warren shanghai (12 bucks)
-kanye west late registration (15 bucks)
-damien rice (10 bucks.. actually i bought it for 12 bucks in another store,still its cheap)
mark bought these:
-david gray white leather (10 bucks)
-everclear so much for the afterglow(10 bucks)
brian bought these:
-some chill out cd (10 bucks)
-jill scott (10 bucks)
twas a time spent in cd twilight zone.. wish you guys were here
napkin man
9:03 pm