where's has all the love gone??
seems like a season of pain and hurt .. been reading some blogs, talking to some ppl, and the situation is grey (gray??).old hurts re-surfaced to haunt ppl, new ones appear to affect ppl with no apparent connections. everybody is just snatching watever they can find in a bid to defend themselves. somebody else's problem is a good weapon to defend your own inadequacies.
where's has all the love gone? must 2 ppl remain strangers till the hurt subside?? the pain is evident and the remedy cannot be found. what do we have to do to rid ourselves of this cycle of hurt and deceit, of pain and disappointment.
to those who get on fine now, when is it till the next time you get brought down?? when will your season of pain and hurt arrive? will it ever at all? we all hope not to, but we've all been there and we never want to go there again. where's has all the love gone??
napkin man
1:59 am