cursed thursdays
i tell you thursdays are cursed man. this is the dunno how many times i couldn't make it for lectures on a thursday morning. its weird because thursday lectures are at 830, so are friday lectures, but i always can wake up on fridays, its just on thursday there's this invisible force that keeps me from getting out of bed. hmmms so here i am after another tutorial class, lessons are ending soon, that means only one thing.. smaxe (decipher the word)
havent been able to do things i would lurve to do in a long while, its not clubbing or buying new t shirts. i guess i always wanted a super chill day which i can read my book and just enjoy coffee and cakes. but there's so many distractions around like clubbing and buying new t shirts. hoping that holidays would be super chill out for me. anyway i happily itchy backside go sign up for an elective in the first month of the hols : psychology.. i think its quite an interesting subject, thats why i signed up for it, but also the stoopid thing is i need to come to sch 4 days a week for 1 hrs lessons each day (see me do my ciao class stunt to the max). oh will not be staying in hall during hols (who does??!!) cos the nice ppl in my hostel want to renovate my darn block, so i need to move out.. bahh, now i need to chuck my fridge somewhere...
oooo hoping to go on a short trip somewhere too!! i m thinking KL.. com'on ppl, KL KL KL KL KL KL KL KL.. or thailand lor.. then buy beeer singlets back.. mauhahahahaa.
off to commonwealth to eat zi cha with the buffet ppl.. tata!
napkin man
2:14 am