whats wrong with me??
before i proceed with this post, i need to explain some terms : a microprocessor is a chip or device that processes and controls logics to interact with other devices. it communicates thru usage of buses(not the tibs kind) and control signals. the buses are the main means of transfer of information. hence to coordinate these interactions, there is a main bus master, and any other device which wishes to use the buses have to request to the main bus master through certain signals
ok now that you got a background on that, while in lecture, i keep hearing the word 'bus' as 'bust'. okay now u muz think thats quite lame. it is until your lecturer tries to animate electronics. he goes 'so if any peripheral wants to use the buses, it must request it from the bus master, which is the 68000. when it does that, its like calling "i want your bus!" and then the 68000 will reply "wait until the current bus cycle is finished and will give control of my bus over to you"'. alrite, now if you substitute accordingly, you will understand why i couldnt take it.
another couldnt take it thing was, i just recieved this through my email. apparently for my school day, my school's lecturers and students decided to come up with a musical. well,its super hilarious, seeing grown ppl act like that.. enjoy!
napkin man
4:13 pm