theory of siani-tivity
well through months of observation, i do realise one thing about myself, and prolly it could relate to you too.. so listen:
i realise, the more things i have on my hands to do, the more i do not want to do anything.. make sense?? and i'm trying to figure out whether its related linearly or exponentially.. and if so, whats the exponent?? square? cubes?? my rough studies and experiments led me to something like this :
sianess =sq(tutorials)*sq(lab assignments)*(hall activities)*sq(lectures)
so you see the right hand side of the equation shows us that any increase in any variables will have a dramatic impact on the sianess level of a person...
of course there's another equation that relates the inactivity of sianess to the increase of the mentioned variable.. an example would be, if im sian and i don't do any tutorials, my tutorials will increase.. well thats simple.. but to relate it into an equation needs more experiments...
and lastly there's of course the most important relation of all: how does first class honors relate to sianess
or maybe i should just go and buy to-to
napkin man
1:52 am