the last house-clubber-rai
this movie was set in the maggi period in singapore in the year 2004. captain napkins was a retired captain who fought in the battle against lousy local music, and the nightmares haunts him. after the war, he joined a road show promoting cds, where he wasn't too happy.. soon after, the mambo-sation of singapore earned him a ticket to the province of kim seng where he was to fight off the courageous and fearless house-trance-tribal alliance clubbers.. there he trained up a young and inexperience army of mambo-jumbo fans to lead them into battle. due to their eagerness, leutinent colniel mambo king ordered captain naps to lead them into battle way before they were ready. captain naps was caught by the house-clubber-rais and kept as a prisoner in order for their leader to learn more about he's enemies..
slowly captain naps found that he had peace in the way of the house-clubber-rai and became very much accustomed to their culture and beliefs. as the army of mambo king grew stronger, captain naps switched sides and led the fearless house-clubber-rais to their last but heoric battle where all but captain naps died in glorious battle against the enemy.. captain naps was then the last house-clubber-rai
napkin man
6:09 pm