my mama always say
you know how forest gump has his 'my mama always say, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get'? well i've decided to come up with my own cynical views on life.. feel free to add on!
-life is like attending sc444 cryptography lecture, nobody knows what the fuck is going on!
-life is like eating, the good stuff always ends up as shit
-life is like a roller coaster, its only exciting when you're going down (posted this before)
-life is like playing poker, you always go all in at the wrong time
-life is like going to mac donalds, you want to upsize but have no money
-life is like watching youtube via ntu network, its damn long!!
-life is like having a beer, wait, i meant life is about having a beer...
napkin man
12:55 am