cursed thursdays
i tell you thursdays are cursed man. this is the dunno how many times i couldn't make it for lectures on a thursday morning. its weird because thursday lectures are at 830, so are friday lectures, but i always can wake up on fridays, its just on thursday there's this invisible force that keeps me from getting out of bed. hmmms so here i am after another tutorial class, lessons are ending soon, that means only one thing.. smaxe (decipher the word)
havent been able to do things i would lurve to do in a long while, its not clubbing or buying new t shirts. i guess i always wanted a super chill day which i can read my book and just enjoy coffee and cakes. but there's so many distractions around like clubbing and buying new t shirts. hoping that holidays would be super chill out for me. anyway i happily itchy backside go sign up for an elective in the first month of the hols : psychology.. i think its quite an interesting subject, thats why i signed up for it, but also the stoopid thing is i need to come to sch 4 days a week for 1 hrs lessons each day (see me do my ciao class stunt to the max). oh will not be staying in hall during hols (who does??!!) cos the nice ppl in my hostel want to renovate my darn block, so i need to move out.. bahh, now i need to chuck my fridge somewhere...
oooo hoping to go on a short trip somewhere too!! i m thinking KL.. com'on ppl, KL KL KL KL KL KL KL KL.. or thailand lor.. then buy beeer singlets back.. mauhahahahaa.
off to commonwealth to eat zi cha with the buffet ppl.. tata!
napkin man
2:14 am
ideas come from a can
life's greatest pleasure is not sex, nor getting high , nor stuffing yourself with the most wonderful cuisine. it is actually taking a shit. i think taking a shit is the most enjoyable thing mainly because that's where you kick start your greatest achievements. why do i say so?? because for that 10 mins you are trapped in that 2 by 3 cubicle and it forces you to do something, like think, figure out the equation in your notes, beat that high score on your fone (yupp,my minigolf high score was from the can). but whatever you do there, you can be sure there's no distractions (maybe cept for the guy in the nxt cubicle whose singing or making funny noises, like hua hui). and yes, thats the best place to do any form of thinking, i tell you, all great thinkers are shitters. those who don't think, they are just constipated assholes i tell ya.
well you may argue that taking a shower also has the same effect. not quite, for starters when you are shitting, you are sitting down (unless you are in the squat kind, for those if you are well trained, you still can do great amounts of thinking, but if you're damn lau-ya and have no strength to squat for long, the only thing you're thinking about is trying not to fall into the damn bowl). and also, the only thing that is doing work is your number 2. no arms to scrub yourself, your hair, no need to wipe water off your eyes. in fact if you really want to add abit of asthetic nature sounds to it, you can occasionally pull the flush to produce that waterfall sound.
that said, guess where the inspiration for this post came from??
"ideas come from the can, they were thought up by a man, in a toilet down town.."
napkin man
11:20 pm
where has my sanity napkins gone??
napkin man
5:56 pm
let me complain abit..
its my blog, so suck it! anyway the lab did not went well at all, the first assessor was quite alrite, just check the functions of my circuit, the 2nd one backside itchy got ask me some generic question, "tell me more about the pit" (nevermind the details, just know that this falls under generic question) so i asked him " what u want me to tell you about the pit" .. then i dunno what he said but i found myself stuttering.ok, firstly its not as if i dunno my stuffs, its just that i was the last guy and then everybody else is crowding around me( coz they no time to be assessed, so they all wanna ask him) and then everything made me kan cheong. just hope i don't do too badly on this. im spent: and its out of my system.
napkin man
6:16 pm
of superheroes and circuit boards
well for a presentation today, i presented the topic of how to classify your superheroes, i was quite amazed at myself that i actually pulled it off. thankfully the teacher was those young young fresh grad looking kind, so got give more chance. hehe
secondly after 10 weeks of damn travelling to the lab, i finally got my circuit board to its a huge sigh of relief, only tmr assessment, hope everything turns out ok
so you see, after 2 huge loads (okay guys dun think dirty)i am sitting on my ass in my room being lazy. i just couldnt find the drive to do anything. haiz, damn sad, im sort of panicking yet i am really really sitting on my lazy ass, here's lazy ass part iii:
studious mind: eh you better start on your tutorials, they're piling up
lazy ass: but im a lazy ass
studious mind: but exams are in a month, and you are not at all prepared
lazy ass: but im a lazy ass
studious mind: you're rite, you're a lazy ass
in other news, for those sharing my joy bout getting my exchange place to toronto, well lets just not get too excited yet. yesterday i got the shock of my life, apparently the subjects that i matched before arent offered, there's some sort of re-structuring, of coz i was able to find 7 other modules to back up, but i would have preferred my original matching. plus i still need to get past toronto's approval. so lets keep our fingers crossed.
napkin man
11:13 pm
kawaii ne
found something on my network that drove me crazy, its this mtv by morning musume, its like a japanese girl grp with like i dunno 12 members? there's too many of them in the mtv to count. but they are all so kawaii!!! goodness totally smitten by them.. haiz, if only i can find a cute cute girl girl like them (alrites i know im shallow, but u all knew this when i was in luv with kyoko-san ,so shaddup)
in other news, i have make up lecture tmr, a saturday, and a lab session after that, totally crazy ... i know!!
and lastly: im going to toronto!!
napkin man
2:07 am
ahhhh.. at last i din let myself down Bourbon
Congratulations! You're 120 proof, with specific scores in beer (40) , wine (116), and liquor (86). Screw all that namby-pamby chick stuff, you're going straight for the bottle and a shot glass! It'll take more than a few shots of Wild Turkey or 99 Bananas before you start seeing pink elephants. You know how to handle your alcohol, and yourself at parties.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: You scored higher than 47% on proof You scored higher than 86% on beer index You scored higher than 96% on wine index You scored higher than 95% on liquor index Link: The Alcohol Knowledge Test written by hoppersplit on Ok Cupid
napkin man
1:14 am
ego trip abit
i was bounded gagged and tortured by max to come up with a quiz about myself, so i really don't want to do this, but she threatened to cut off my ... nice mallet hair if i don't.. so i formulated this quiz.. please do it to see how well u know the real napster, some of the qns are really unfair.. but who cares?!!! muahahahahhaha
take quiz here
napkin man
1:14 am
retarded post
well im here at 220 in the morning, nothing unusual, just watched behind enemy lines, have been pretty hooked on these millitary shows, army army, navy navy, air force, air force abit. yep, its okay lar, but as with any hollywood show, quite bullshit lar, i mean 1 whole serbian rebel army against 1 shot down pilot and then the guess who won?? plus not really used to watching owen wilson in this kind of action action movie. hmmm while im at this, might as well list you a couple of these millitary shows i've watched so far, those in bold gets 2 thumbs up from me:
top gun
enemy at the gates
behind enemy lines
hamburger hill
band of brothers (does this count as movie?? but its a good series!!)
hot shots and hots shots 2
we were soldiers
full metal jacket
tears of the sun
army daze
pearl harbour (pearl harbour sucks and i miss you)
in other happenings, went to watch the cheerleading finals at suntec today. then there's this grp, called magnum force, totally blow my mind, they are awesome, and madness. really never knew that any cheerleading team in spore would be able to achieve such high standards, really impressed, well maybe cheerleading beckons?? *wink wink* (last statement is dedicated to you yuen)
alrite looking forward to eating more shit tmr, the buffet has only started, get the plates and join the queue and enjoy loads of shit serve in different ways, hell yeah, welcome to the international shit buffet. there's steam shit, fried shit, braised shit, tempura shit, teriyaki shit,shit sandwich, shit kebab, grilled shit, bbq shit,shit curry, shit salad (for the health concious), baked shit, chilled shit, shit ice cream, shit cocktail, shit with ginger and spring onion,salted shit soup, shit pasta,shit and chips,shit noodles, shitshi, and my favourite, raw shit otherwise know as shitshimi.
napkin man
2:23 am
quiz time!!
Your World (Part One): What is your world made of? [boys]
brought to you by Quizilla
napkin man
10:59 pm
whats wrong with me??
before i proceed with this post, i need to explain some terms : a microprocessor is a chip or device that processes and controls logics to interact with other devices. it communicates thru usage of buses(not the tibs kind) and control signals. the buses are the main means of transfer of information. hence to coordinate these interactions, there is a main bus master, and any other device which wishes to use the buses have to request to the main bus master through certain signals
ok now that you got a background on that, while in lecture, i keep hearing the word 'bus' as 'bust'. okay now u muz think thats quite lame. it is until your lecturer tries to animate electronics. he goes 'so if any peripheral wants to use the buses, it must request it from the bus master, which is the 68000. when it does that, its like calling "i want your bus!" and then the 68000 will reply "wait until the current bus cycle is finished and will give control of my bus over to you"'. alrite, now if you substitute accordingly, you will understand why i couldnt take it.
another couldnt take it thing was, i just recieved this through my email. apparently for my school day, my school's lecturers and students decided to come up with a musical. well,its super hilarious, seeing grown ppl act like that.. enjoy!
napkin man
4:13 pm
napkin man
1:30 am
im so ronery
im so ronery
so ronery
so ronery and sadry arone
get no one, juz me ronry
sitting on my rittle throne
i work rearry hard and make up great prans
but nobody ristens no one understands
seems rike no one takes me sireeriously
and so, im ronery, a rittle ronery
poor rittle me
there's nobody i can rerate to
feel rike a bird in a cage
its kind of sirry
but not rearry
cos its filling my body with rage
im the smartest most crever most physicree fit
but nobody else seems to rearise it
when i change the world
maybe they'll notice me
and until then
i'll juz be ronery
a rittle ronery
poor rittle me
im so ronery
-ost team america: world police
napkin man
12:51 am
but i just want to be like andy warhol
after about few weeks of taking web design, i do realise i absolutely have no artistic talent. this extends to almost i think everything i do. i think what i have is basic talent, think of myself as a jack of all trades, yeah, that'll be a nicer way to put it, but master of none (or master of naan, like at the jumbo coffee shop). yeah basically i can do everything, but i'm not really good at any particular thing.
so back to my web design class, after spending like hours on it, then my friend (yes pea, YOU!!!) happily shows me her work and im like 'wow!' i din even think that standard was achievable. so end up i think my own template is sucky. even the teacher implictly said that i cant design, but i have a solid base. her exact words were "well, if you cant design, for example this one flashes my work on the screen..." haiz.
i only wanted to be like andy...
napkin man
12:21 am
america f**k yeah!
watched team america yesterday, it is absoulutely hilarious. i think the thing that made it most funny is the soundtrack, going to hunt for it, if they sell it that is. matt damon!!. so the verdict is, go catch it if you have 8 bucks to spare, else u can always just find alternative sources (juz don't let team america catch you, else they'll stuff ur balls in ur ass, and when u take a shit, you're be shitting all over your balls). alrites thats abit crude and m-18, but its taken from the show anyway..
well back to pg happenings, nothing much to update, cept "work work"(in orc voice), which no one in the right mind would want to hear about anyway. so i'll leave you in the words of chairman kim:
im so rone-ry...
napkin man
1:47 am
beer appreciation
signed up for this beer appreciation course, which was held today. well at first the only reason why i signed up for it was because i assumed there was going to be quite an amount of beer to be drunk! haha, aniwei so this fella came down to introduce the home brewing kit lar, you know those kind u can brew at home wan. but nice fella, went on about the history and stuff, then bout what constitutes the make up of a beer, very interesting as all day long i've just been taking it down but not appreciating the manufacturing process. well there was actually quite alot of beer, he brought down 8 bottles of he's own brew, it tasted quite good actually. yeah in case u wondering, 8 bottles not alot what, but there were only like 12 of us there, and the rest of them only took like the most 2 cups. so yupps, i just helped him ease he's load of carrying those bottles back. yeah the kit is really amazing, thinking of jio'ing some hall frenz to chip in then we can brew beer all day long in school!! (max... go jio 3 more!!)
yupps, after that came back to my room for awhile to try to complete my tutorial. then fren jio me to nearby coffeeshop for more beer, and bbq chicken of coz, the old man's favourite combi.. fantastic. then its back to hall to finish up my tutorial, and some other frenz came over to try to finish my absolut vanilla, thankfully we din have much coz not many ppl, just chill out session. but the most intriguing thing is this, my fren brought along another bottle of chinese liquor, its called double dog wu chia pi. its this chinese liquor lar, basically it smells and tastes like po chai pills, you know those u lau sai damn jiat lat then take one. yar just imagine that mix with some vodka, and you'll know how wu chia pi taste like. its not that bad actually.. seriously..
ok so im pretty sober, typing this, cept my throat feels damn dry.. alrite will go to sleep now.. WU CHIA PI!!
napkin man
2:59 am
what is this??
hmmm okay happen to chance upon another article on straits time's interactive (its not going to be free soon, i need a new source!! recommend ppl!!). ok all this after i've one paragraph of my reading left to do and my level in hall decides to black out. so im typing this in the dark (thank god for laptops). but back to the point, this article is about yjc offering students a chance to take up a business diploma concurrently with their a levels (alrite!! power is back up!!). i mean seriously, does it have to come to this? of course one would argue that this is probably for those better students, but if you offer it, of course everybody would wanna take, just because they wanna prove themselves better!!
its just like ntu now is going to offer double majors apart from minors (yes i sold out to that one). i mean its definitely a good thing, but the problem is that people are going to apply just because they wanna outshine their counterparts. of course the schood is going to filter out those who cant make it and make them drop and yada yada yada, but don't you think that's too late?? i bet they would have suffered badly in terms of grades and confidence by that time such a thing happens. haiz, the degradation of our education system. next thing you know, you can do your degree while doing your o levels, or better yet, do your masters while taking psle?? im spent.
"ord, back to study, sc207, damn crappy, catch no ball, damn unhappy, with my laptop and my textbooks and me..."
napkin man
1:12 am