intellectual slump
have just watched the 3 dumbest show to be shown in the span of the month, over the weekend. on saturday, i watched harrod & kumar goes to whitecastle and dodgeball . on sunday went to watch white chicks with stallion and clem. well all 3 were typically brainless shows, but they just had to be watched. its like being on a quest to be dumber or something, but hey, at least i got the laughs, and laughing according to the experts helps prevent errr prostate cancer? or depression?? or what was that it prevented?? oh right it prevents the IM GOING TO JUMP DOWN FROM 6 STOREY syndrome..
in other news: dad bought me a new fridge.. and its the medium kind, not small lil bar fridge.. moving it up was a bitch, but now that is up.. its time to PARTY!!
napkin man
1:47 am