nice feeling gone
its not fair, i set my alarm at 9am, should not give myself so much buffer time to sleep in next time. shite manz, i wanted to wake up at that time, and then slowly get ready to go to sch, maybe drop by the canteen for some breakfast and coffee, and attend lecture at 1030, that's ideal, and i think it's a perfect way to start the day. but no, when i next woke up it's already 1115, and i had already missed the most important lecture anyway (the 2nd one is some i dunno, french, italian?? dude, don't know what he talking also one, and last lecture is engineers and society, ultimate zhuo bo). so i've decided not to go to sch at all. to think i was quite looking forward to sch today, even packed my bags nicely ready. hmmms
ok think i should juz go back and see the doctor, get him to cure my love for sleeping..
napkin man
11:41 am