14 hours
thats how long i was out today, super tired, but at least the day was not wasted. sermon was super good, about homo stuff, then we split off for cell and regrouped for a q & a session. the phrase that struck me most was (and yuen will agree with me) you obey to get healed and not be healed to obey something along that lines lar, somehow the speaker was able to put it in nicer words, if any of u copied it down please lemme know!!
proceeded to watch charlie's angels, which i feel is a real bullshit show lar, basically its rubbish!! u fly from a building into a car and the car slams into a theater and you roll out just with a piece of glass in your abdomen with no other injuries?? and where did the fire below the stage come from???!!!
blah, wanted to rush back to catch U571 ( came back at 10) and realise that it was shown at seven!!! argh, so pissed but then totally made up for when i found out that futurama was showing on star world.. and guess what episode was it?? it was the amazonian women in the mood!!! haha, i just luv that one, death by snoo snoo!!!
ok think it'll be quite a good and packed week coming up (hopefully!!) and hope no time is wasted!! to the napkin mobil....
to save the world from social retardedness, to unite the nations with sanity, and promote the use of sanitary napkins
napkin man
12:03 am