"we have 24hrs" anoynomous said "thats how much time we have"
this really amuses me, 24hrs to what???surf net? call love ones? arrange a mambo nite outing??go for lunch,tea break and dinner all at the same time?i know! 24hrs to complete my website.haha, brian would probably know who anoynomous, sorry i should say annoy-nomous is.haha, anyway just finished lunch with brian bout not too long ago at the coffeeshop downstairs, had this huge serving of chicken chop and he had cutlet.i had val coke and he chose diet.
updates: just finished somemore stuff on my webby, collage section is added with a few definitions of some music, funny it doesn't relate the way they should. also, in the napkin man section, now u can click on my face!! wow.. im sure ppl have been dying to click on my pimply face, now is your chance!!
in cd player(rather saf computer): eminem's eminem show.... got my friend to burn this for me, its actually worth the money, but since its burnt...hope im not irritating the nice lady beside playing solitaire though...
in other news:mother's day is sunday, so how many honestly remembered???com'on don't lie you... k how many actually got something for their mums??com'on you guys are such great lairs...im bringing my momma out for lunch!!of cos, my dad will be paying, he doesn't like me to spend unnecessarily. really...
napkin man
2:58 pm